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Fruit breeding at Fruit Research Insitute, Čačak – achievements in last ten years

dc.creatorGlišić, Ivana
dc.creatorMarić, Slađana
dc.creatorRadičević, Sanja
dc.creatorLukić, Milan
dc.creatorMilošević, Nebojša
dc.creatorĐorđević, Milena
dc.description.abstractU Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak se od njegovog osnivanja intenzivno radi na stvaranju novih genotipova kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka u skladu sa zahtevima proizvodnje, tržišta i prerađivačke industrije. Programi oplemenjivanja su bazirani na primeni konvencionalnih metoda ‒ planske hibridizacije i individualne pozitivne selekcije iz prirodnih populacija, kao i molekularnih markera za agronomski važne osobine. Oplemenjivački rad na stvaranju novih sorti jabučastih, koštičavih, jezgrastih i jagodastih vrsta voćaka sprovodi se putem odabira roditeljskih parova u skladu sa postavljenim oplemenjivačkim ciljevima, izdvajanja najboljih genotipova iz populacija planskih hibrida i prirodnih populacija na osnovu bioloških i proizvodnih osobina, i evaluacije njihove konkurentnosti u proizvodnji i na tržištu. Kao rezultat multidisciplinarnog naučnoistraživačkog rada stvorene su 43 sorte jabučastih, koštičavih i jagodastih vrsta voćaka. U periodu od 2008. godine, priznato je deset sorti ‒ dve kruške (‘Julijana’ i ‘Anđelija’), pet šljive (‘Nada’, ‘Zlatka’, ‘Divna’, ‘Petra’ i ‘Pozna Plava’) i tri višnje (‘Sofija’, ‘Nevena’ i ‘Iskra’), a u postupku priznavanja je pet kandidat sorti ‒ jedna kruške (hibrid IV/45), jedna šljive (hibrid XIV/21), dve breskve (genotipovi Šutaković i V/2015) i jedna trešnje (hibrid V/30). U okviru ovog rada biće predstavljene sorte priznate tokom poslednjih deset godina, kao i perspektive primene novijih znanja i metoda u oplemenjivanju kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka.sr
dc.description.abstractSince its foundation, the Fruit Research Institute has pursued intensive breeding programmes of temperate zone fruit species in accordance with the needs of fruit growing, processing industry and the market. The breeding programmes are based on the application of conventional methods – the planned hybridization and the method of individual positive selection from natural populations, as well as on the use of molecular markers for agronomic important traits. A breeding work toward the development of new pome, stone, nuts and small fruit cultivars is carried out through selection of parental pairs according to defined breeding objectives, selection of the best genotypes from hybrid populations or natural populations based on biological and productive traits as well as on the evaluation of the selected genotype competitiveness in fruit growing and in the market. The multidisciplinary breeding work has resulted in 43 released cultivars of pome, stone and small fruits. Ten cultivars have been released since 2008, i.e. two pear cultivars (‘Julijana’ and ‘Anđelija’), five plum cultivars (‘Nada’, ‘Zlatka’, ‘Divna’, ‘Petra’ and ‘Pozna Plava’), and three sour cherry cultivars (‘Sofija’, ‘Nevena’ and ‘Iskra’), whereas five cultivar candidates are in the release procedure, i.e. one pear (hibrid IV/45), one plum (hybrid XIV/21), two peaches (genotypes Šutaković V/2015) and one sweet cherry (V/30). Within this paper, cultivars released in the last ten years and a brief overview of the objectives of modern breeding programmes and perspectives of applying of the newer knowledge and methods will be presented.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetičara Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31064/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik apstrakata : Šesti simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, 07 - 11. maj 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Republika Srbijasr
dc.subjectKontinentalne vrste voćakasr
dc.subjectnove sortesr
dc.subjectoplemenjivački ciljevisr
dc.subjectkonvencionalne i savremene metodesr
dc.subjectTemperate zone fruit speciessr
dc.subjectnew cultivarssr
dc.subjectbreeding objectivessr
dc.subjectconventional and modern methodssr
dc.titleOplemenjivanje voćaka u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak – dostignuća u poslednjih deset godinasr
dc.titleFruit breeding at Fruit Research Insitute, Čačak – achievements in last ten yearssr
dc.description.otherdr Slađana Marić, član Programskog odborasr



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