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Plum pox virus and ‘Čačanska Rodna’ - influence on the premature fruit drop, yield and quality

dc.creatorGlišić, Ivan
dc.creatorJevremović, Darko
dc.creatorIlić, Radmila
dc.creatorMladenović, Jelena
dc.creatorPaunović, Gorica
dc.creatorMilošević, Tomo
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja obuhvaćena ovim radom sprovedena su na zaraženim stablima šlјive sorte čačanska rodna kod kojih je potvrđeno prisustvo virusa šarke (PPVRec soj), kao i na zdravim stablima kod kojih nije potvrđeno prisustvo virusa. Zasad u kome su vršena ispitivanja je starosti 14 godina. Kod zaraženih stabala proučavana je dinamika opadanja plodova (1–7. avgust; 8–14. avgust; 15–21. avgust i 22–28. avgust). Nakon berbe je na prosečnom uzorku plodova iz svakog od ovih termina određena: masa ploda (g), sadržaj rastvorlјivih suvih materija (RSM°Brix), ukupnih šećera (%) i ukupnih kiselina (%). Isti parametri određeni su i na prosečnom uzorku plodova ubranih u fazi tehnološke zrelosti sa zdravih stabala. U obe varijante izmeren je ukupan prinos po stablu i jedinici površine. Ukupna količina prevremeno opalih plodova sa zaraženih stabala do 7. avgusta iznosila je prosečno 3,36 kg po stablu (10,25% od ukupnog prinosa). Prosečna masa tih plodova bila je 19,48 g i sadržali su 15,17 °Brix RSM, 6,54% ukupnih šećera i 1,39% ukupnih kiselina. U periodu od 8–14. avgusta sa zaraženih stabala opalo je 10,83 kg plodova po stablu (33,06% od ukupnog prinosa) prosečne mase 20,66 g, sa 16,77 °Brix RSM, 7,21% ukupnih šećera i 1,34% ukupnih kiselina. U trećem terminu sa zaraženih stabala je opalo 8,27 kg plodova po stablu (25,24% od ukupnog prinosa). Nјihova prosečna masa iznosila je 21,36 g i sadržali su 17,71 °Brix RSM, 9,87% ukupnih šećera i 0,76% ukupnih kiselina. U poslednjem terminu sa zaraženih stabala je opalo preostalih 10,30 kg (31,45% od ukupnog prinosa). Prosečna masa ovih plodova bila je 20,95 g, sadržaj RSM 20,07 °Brix, sadržaj ukupnih šećera 10,20% i sadržaj ukupnih kiselina 0,64%. Plodovi ubrani sa zdravih stabala postigli su tehnološku zrelost u periodu 25–28. avgusta. Prosečna masa ovih plodova bila je 26,91 g i sadržali su 20,56 °Brix RSM, 14,10% ukupnih šećera i 0,75% ukupnih kiselina. Ukupan prinos ostvaren na stablima zaraženim virusom šarke iznosio je prosečno 32,76 kg po stablu (40,95 t/ha), dok je prinos sa zdravih stabala iznosio prosečno 31,30 kg (39,12 t/ha).sr
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted on plum trees of cultivar ‘Čačanska Rodna’ infected by Plum Pox Virus (PPV-Rec strain) as well as on healthy trees in which the presence of the virus was not confirmed. The experimental orchard is 14 years old. In infected trees, the dynamics of fruit dropwere studied in four terms (August 1st – 7th; August 8th –14th; August 15th – 21stand August 22nd – 28th). The average fruit sample from each of these terms was used to determine: fruit weight (g), the content of total soluble solids (TSS°Brix) total sugars (%) and total acids (%). The same parameters were determined on the average sample of fruits harvested in the phase of technological maturity from healthy trees. In both variants, the total yield per tree and unit area were studied. The total amount of prematurely fallen fruits from infected trees until August 7th was an average of 3.36 kg per tree (10.25% of the total yield). The average weight of these fruits was 19.48 g and they contained 15.17 °Brix of TSS, 6.54% of total sugars and 1.39% of total acids. In the period from August 8th –14thfrom infected trees fell 10.83 kg of fruit per tree (33.06% of total yield) with an average weight of 20.66 g, 16.77 °Brix of RSM, 7.21% of total sugars and 1.34% of total acids. In the third term, 8.27 kg of fruit per tree fell (25.24% of the total yield) from infected trees. Their average weight was 21.36 g and they contained 17.71 °Brix of RSM, 9.87% of total sugars and 0.76% of total acids. In the last term, the remaining 10.30 kg (31.45% of the total yield) fell from the infected trees. The average weight of these fruits was 20.95 g, the TSS content was 20.07 °Brix, the total sugar content was 10.20% and the total acid content was 0.64%. Fruits harvested from healthy trees reached technological maturity in the period August 25th–28th. The average weight of these fruits was 26.91 g and they contained 20.56 °Brix of TSS, 14.10% of total sugars and 0.75% of total acids. The total yield harvested from the trees infected with PPV was on average 32.76 kg per tree (40.95 t/ha), while the yield from healthy trees averaged 31.30 kg (39.12 t/ha).sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultetsr
dc.sourceZbornik apstrakata : 16. kongres voćara i vinogradara srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. februar – 03. mart 2022. godine, Vrdnik, Republika Srbijasr
dc.subjectprevremeno opadanje plodovasr
dc.subjectpremature fruit dropsr
dc.titleVirus šarke šljive i Čačanska rodna - uticaj na dinamiku prevremenog opadanja plodova, prinos i kvalitetsr
dc.titlePlum pox virus and ‘Čačanska Rodna’ - influence on the premature fruit drop, yield and qualitysr

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