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Pomological and productive traits of some new plum cultivars

dc.creatorMilošević, Nebojša
dc.creatorGlišić, Ivana
dc.creatorĐorđević, Milena
dc.creatorLukić, Milan
dc.description.abstractU sortimentu šljive u Srbiji dominiraju stare, authtone sorte, dobro poznata sorta ʻStanleyʼ i sorte stvorene u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak, pre svih ʻČačanska lepoticaʼ, ʻČačanska rodnaʼ, ʻČačanska ranaʼ i ʻČačanska najboljaʼ. Da bi se zadovoljili različiti zahtevi tržišta i postigli što bolji rezultati u savremenoj proizvodnji šljive, neophodno je, između ostalog, introdukovati nove sorte. Pre uvođenja u proizvodnju, ove sorte zahtevaju značajno ispitivanje u ekološkim uslovima regiona u koji se introdukuju. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju najznačajnije pomološke i proizvodne osobine šest introdukovanih sorti šljive: ʻHanitaʼ, ʻJojoʼ, ʻJubileumʼ, ʻPresentaʼ, ʻTegeraʼ i ʻValorʼ. Ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke (fenofaza cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova) i morfometrijske osobine (masa i dimenzije ploda, masa koštice i randman mezokarpa ploda), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Fenofaza cvetanja je kod svih ispitivanih sorti trajala tokom druge dekade aprila u obe ispitivane godine, pri čemu je obilnost cvetanja ocenjena kao veoma dobra. Najveća masa, visina, širina i debljina ploda su utvrđeni kod sorte ʻValorʼ, dok su najveća masa koštice i bujnost stabla utvrđeni kod sorte ʻJubileumʼ. Najveći randman ploda imale su sorte ʻJojoʼ, ʻTegeraʼ i ʻValorʼ. Sorte ʻPresentaʼ i ʻJojoʼ su imale najveći prinos po stablu, dok je sorta ʻJojoʼ imala i najveći koeficijent
dc.description.abstractPlum assortment in Serbia is dominated by old autochthonous cultivars, well-known cultivar ʻStanleyʼ and cultivars named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak such as: ʻČačanska lepoticaʼ, ʻČačanska rodnaʼ, ʻČačanska ranaʼ and ʻČačanska najboljaʼ. In order to fulfill different demands of fresh fruit market and achieve better results in modern plum production, it is necessary, among other things, to introduce new cultivars. Before introduction of new cultivars in orchards, significant evaluation of these cultivars in environmental conditions of region they are being introduced is required. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the most importand pomological and productive traits of six introduced plum cultivars: ʻHanitaʼ, ʻJojoʼ, ʻJubileumʼ, ʻPresentaʼ, ʻTegeraʼ and ʻValorʼ. The most important phenological (flowering and ripening time), and morphometric traits (fruit and stone weight, fruit dimensions and flash percentage), as well as tree vigour (trunk cross section area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency) were evaluated. Flowering phenofase in all examined cultivars lasted during the second decade of april, whereby flowering abundance was estimated as very good. The largest fruit weight, and fruit dimensions (height, width and thickness) were determined in ʻValorʼ, whereas the largest stone weight and tree vigour were determined in ʻJubileumʼ. The largest flesh percentage was found in cultivars ʻJojoʼ, ʻTegeraʼ and ʻValorʼ. Cultivars ʻPresentaʼ and ʻJojoʼ had largest yield per tree, while ʻJojoʼ had the highest yield
dc.publisherČačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultetsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31064/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova : XXIII Savetovanja o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, 9 - 10. mart 2018. godine, Čačak, Republika Srbijasr
dc.subjectintrodukovane sortesr
dc.subjectfenološke i pomološke osobinesr
dc.subjectintroduced cultivarssr
dc.subjectphenological and pomological propertiessr
dc.titlePomološke i proizvodne osobine nekih novijih sorti šljivesr
dc.titlePomological and productive traits of some new plum cultivarssr
dc.rights.holderUniverzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačkusr



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