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Modified atmosphere packaging of fruits of two European plum cultivars: effect on physical, chemical and sensory properties

dc.creatorKorićanac, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMilatović, Dragan
dc.creatorPopović, Branko
dc.creatorMitrović, Olga
dc.creatorGlišić, Ivana
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitivanje uticaja pakovanja u modifikovanoj atmosferi (MAP) na očuvanje kvaliteta plodova dve sorte šljive, Prezident i Stenli, tokom četiri nedelje čuvanja u hladnjači. Modifikovana atmosfera u MAP kesama stvorena je pasivno, sinergističkim delovanjem disanja plodova i propustljivosti filma za gasove. Sa druge strane, plodovi čuvani u hladnoj komori sa normalnom atmosferom predstavljali su kontrolu. Analize fizičkih, hemijskih i antioksidativnih svojstava šljive, kao i senzorna ocena, vršene su u berbi i nakon iskladištenja. Kod obe sorte je utvrđeno da kontrolni i MAP plodovi nakon iskladištenja imaju slične vrednosti čvrstine ploda, sadržaja rastvorljive suve materije i ukupnih kiselina. Međutim, gubitak mase je bio značajno manji kod MAP plodova. Gubitak mase kod kontrolnih plodova sorte Prezident bio je 2,55 puta veći od gubitka mase plodova čuvanih u MAP kesama, dok je kod sorte Stenli gubitak mase kod kontrolnih plodova bio 3,72 puta veći u poređenju sa tretmanom. Uočene su velike razlike među sortama u pogledu sadržaja ukupnih fenola i ukupnih antocijana, kao i antioksidativnog kapaciteta. Međutim, nije utvrđen jasan uticaj MAP-a na sadržaj bioaktivnih jedinjenja. Prema rezultatima senzorne evaluacije, MAP nije značajno poboljšao senzorne osobine plodova šljive.sr
dc.description.abstractThe effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on preserving fruit quality of two plum cultivars, ‘President’ and ‘Stanley’, during four weeks of cold storage was evaluated. Modified atmosphere in MAP bags was created passively through synergistic action of the fruits’ respiration and permeability of the film to the gases. On the other hand, fruits stored in cold chamber under normal atmosphere conditions represented the control. Analyses of physical, chemical and antioxidant properties of plums and sensory evaluation as well, were performed at harvest and after cold storage. It was observed in both cultivars that control and MAP fruits after cold storage had similar values for the fruit firmness, soluble solids content and total acids content. However, weight loss was significantly lower in MAP fruits in ‘President’ control fruits had more than two-fold higher weight loss in comparison to the MAP fruits, whilst in ‘Stanley’ weight loss was more than three-fold higher in control fruits. The great differences were observed among cultivars in terms of total phenolics content, total anthocyanins content and antioxidant capacity. No clear effect of MAP on the content of bioactive compounds was determined, though. According to the results of the sensory evaluation, MAP did not significantly improve sensory attributes of plums.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultetsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova : VII savetovanje “Inovacije u voćarstvu”, 2. februar 2023, Beograd, Republika Srbijasr
dc.subjectgubitak masesr
dc.subjectsenzorna evaluacijasr
dc.subjectbioaktivna jedinjenjasr
dc.subjectPrunus domesticasr
dc.subjectCold storagesr
dc.subjectweight losssr
dc.subjectsensory evaluationsr
dc.subjectbioactive compoundssr
dc.titlePakovanje plodova dve sorte šljive u modifikovanoj atmosferi: Uticaj na fizičke, hemijske i senzorne osobinesr
dc.titleModified atmosphere packaging of fruits of two European plum cultivars: effect on physical, chemical and sensory propertiessr



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