Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Proizvodnja certificiranog sadnog materijala voćaka i vinove loze

dc.creatorPaunović, Svetlana A.
dc.creatorDelibašić, Goran
dc.creatorBabović, Milorad
dc.creatorJevremović, Darko
dc.description.abstractAlthough an initial step, the production of reproductive material and nursery stock of fruit crops and grapevines ranks first in terms of successful and profitable production. Nursery stock which is not true-to-type and infected with viruses, viroids and phytoplasms may endanger the following steps within production, minimazing huge financial investments in the planting establishment and its maintenance. Over a long-term in most developed countries, the programmes and schemes related to production of the certified reproductive material and nursery stock have been under way. The production of quality virus-free or viruses tested reproductive material and nursery stock has been in accord with strictly defined stages and work procedures for each classified category. The paper deals with the categorization of reproductive material and nursery stock, as well as with the procedures for obtaining of the specific categories and scheme for fruit crops and grapevines certification. The particular sress was laid on the major viruses and other infective pathogenes on fruit crops and grapevines, their detection methods, coupled with the necessity for the haromonization of the existing regulation in our country with the law regulation of the European Union with the aim to obtain quality nursery stock and create the possibility to take a share within the unique market of the region and Europe.en
dc.description.abstractProizvodnja reprodukcionog i sadnog materijala voćaka i vinove loze, mada početni, predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih koraka u uspešnoj i rentabilnoj proizvodnji. Sortno neispravan i virusima, viroidima ili fitoplazmama zaražen sadni materijal maze ugroziti naredne korake proizvodnje i učiniti bezvrednim velika materijalna ulaganja u podizanje i održavanje zasada. U većini razvijenih zemalja već duži niz godina funkcionišu programi i seme proizvodnje certificiranog reprodukcionog i sadnog materijala. Proizvodnja kvalitetnog bezvirusnog ill na viruse testiranog reprodukcionog i sadnog materijala se obavlja po strogo definisanim fazama i procedurama rada za svaku propisanu kategoriju. U ovom radu data je kategorizacija reprodukcionog i sadnog materijala, kao i načini dobijanja pojedinih kategorija i šema certificiranja voćaka i vinove loze. Istaknuti su najvažniji virusi na voćkama i vinovoj lozi, načini detekcije ovih virusa, kao i neophodnost harmonizacije postojeće zakonske regulative u našoj zemlji sa zakonskom regulativom Evropske Unije, u cilju obezbeđivanja neophodnog kvaliteta sadnog materijala i otvaranja mogućnosti za uključenje u jedinstveno tržište regiona i
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.sourceSavremena poljoprivreda
dc.subjectreprodukcioni i sadni materijalsr
dc.subjectbezvirusni materijalsr
dc.subjectna viru se testirani materijalsr
dc.subjectvinova lozasr
dc.subjectdrvenaste voćkesr
dc.titleThe production of certified nursery stock material of fruit crops and grapevinesen
dc.titleProizvodnja certificiranog sadnog materijala voćaka i vinove lozesr
dc.citation.other52(1-2): 15-20



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