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Acclimatization of micropropagated red raspberry to ex vitro conditions

dc.creatorAnđelić, Tatjana
dc.creatorVujović, Tatjana
dc.creatorJevremović, Darko
dc.description.abstractMikropropagacija je savremena biotehnološka metoda za proizvodnjugenetički identičnih, fiziološki ujednačenih i zdravih biljaka bez patogena u najkraćem mogućem roku. Imajući u vidu probleme u proizvodnji maline u Srbiji, Institut za voćarstvo u Čačku je pokrenuo kontrolisanu proizvodnju sadnog materijala sorti maline ‘Meeker‘ i ‘Willamette‘ mikropropagacijom korišćenjem nuklearnog materijala proizvedenog po Sertifikacionoj šemi za Rubus. Za razvoj metode za efikasno in vitro razmnožavanje ovih genotipova posebna pažnja je posvećena optimizaciji faze aklimatizacije tokom 2017. i 2018. godine. Ožiljene i neožiljene biljke su posađene u supstrat koji se sastojao od treseta i zeolita u odnosu 2:1, gde se pratilauspešnost aklimatizacije pod „mist” sistemom u staklari. U 2017. godini najoptimalniji mesec za aklimatizaciju ožiljenih i neožiljenih biljaka za obe sorte maline bio je jun , kada je uspešnost aklimatizacije ožiljenih biljaka bila 100% za obe sorte. U istom periodu, neožiljene biljke su aklimatizovane sa uspešnošću od 94,74% (‘Meeker‘) odnosno 97,56% (‘Willamette‘). U 2018. godini avgust je bio najoptimalniji mesec za aklimatizaciju ožiljenih biljaka kod sorte maline ‘Willamette‘ (99,55%), dok je kod sorte ‘Meeker‘ jul (100%). Kod obe sorte maline jul je bio najoptimalniji mesec za aklimatizaciju neožiljenih biljaka (96,54% kod ‘Willamette‘ i 98,33% kod ‘Meeker‘). Uzimajući u obzir ukupan broj ožiljenih i neožiljenih biljaka tokom dve eksperimentalne godine, uspešnost aklimatizacije ožiljenih biljaka kod sorte ‘Meeker‘ je 96,00% i 93,10% neožiljenih biljaka. Kod sorte maline ‘Willamette‘ uspešno je aklimatizovano 97,69% ožiljenih i 85,79% neožiljenih biljaka.sr
dc.description.abstractMicropropagation is a modern biotechnological method for the production of genetically identical, physiologically uniform and healthy plants without pathogens in the shortest possible time. Considering the problems in raspberry production in Serbia, Fruit Research Institute, Čačak initiated controlled production of ‘Meeker‘ and ‘Willamette‘ planting material by micropropagation using nuclear stock produced according to the Certification scheme for Rubus. To develop а method for efficient in vitro propagation of these genotypes special attention has been devoted to optimization of acclimatization stages during 2017 and 2018. Rooted and unrooted plants are placed in a substrate consisting of peat and zeolite in a ratio of 2:1 where the success of acclimatization under the "mist" system in the glassworks was monitored. In 2017, the most optimal month for acclimatization of rooted and unrooted shoots for both raspberries cultivars were June, when the success of acclimatization of rooted shoots was 100% for both cultivars. In the same period, unrooted shoots were acclimatized with a success rate of 94.74% (‘Meeker‘) and 97.56% (‘Willamette‘), respectively. In 2018, August was the most optimal month for acclimatization of rooted shoots in the raspberry cultivar ‘Willamette‘ (99.55%), while in the ‘Meeker‘ cultivar it was July (100%). For both raspberry cultivars, July was the most optimal month for acclimatization of unrooted shoots (96.54% for ‘Willamette‘ and 98.33% for ‘Meeker‘). Taking into account the total number of rooted and unrooted plants during the two experimental years, the success of acclimatization of rooted shoots in the ‘Meeker‘ cultivars 96.00% and 93.10% of unrooted shots. In the raspberry cultivar ‘Willamette‘, 97.69% of rooted and 85.79% of unrooted shoots were successfully acclimatized.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultetsr
dc.sourceZbornik apstrakata : 16. kongres voćara i vinogradara srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. februar – 03. mart 2022. godine, Vrdnik, Republika Srbijasr
dc.subjectin vitro biljkesr
dc.subjectin vitro plantssr
dc.titleAklimatizacija crvene maline proizvedene mikropropagacijom u ex vitro uslovesr
dc.titleAcclimatization of micropropagated red raspberry to ex vitro conditionssr



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