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dc.creatorMarić, Slađana
dc.creatorGlišić, Ivana
dc.creatorMilošević, Nebojša
dc.creatorRadičević, Sanja
dc.creatorĐorđević, Milena
dc.creatorVujović, Tatjana
dc.identifier.issn0354-9542 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2560-3140 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractEthylene is the simplest signalling molecule with a hormone-like function that plays a major role in many developmental processes, including ripening of climacteric apple fruit. The allelic polymorphisms of ACS1 and ACO1 genes, encoding for ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, which catalyse the last two steps in the ethylene biochemical pathway, were analysed in nineteen indigenous apple accessions grown in individual growers' orchards in the regions of central and southwestern Serbia. A polymorphism was detected using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the ACS1 gene and the additional enzymatic digestion of the PCR product with BamH1 and RsaI for the ACO1 gene. The ACS1-1 and ACS1-2 alleles of the ACS1 gene, as well as the a and c alleles of the ACO1 gene were identified. The polymorphisms observed upon PCRs and digestion with restriction enzymes were generated in two genotypes for both genes, i.e. the ACS1 gene - ACS1-1/1 and ACS1-1/2, and the ACO1 gene - aa and ac. Out of nineteen apple accessions, sixteen were homozygous for the allele ACS1-1 and three were heterozygous (ACS1-1/2); regarding the ACO1 genotype, fourteen were homozygous for the allele a and five were heterozygous (ac allelic constitution). The molecular survey in the current study provides an increase in the number of apple accessions with potential to be used as parents in breeding programmes, aiming to obtain high quality cultivars that retain fruit texture during long storage. Therefore, the heterozygous accessions for the ACS1 gene - 'J-LuN/1', 'Kraljica' and 'Šumatovka', may have an important position in future breeding programmes.en
dc.description.abstractEtilen je najjednostavniji signalni molekul sa hormonskom funkcijom koji utiče na brojne procese tokom rastenja i razvića, uključujući i dozrevanje klimakteričnog ploda jabuke. Alelni polimorfizam ACS1 i ACO1 gena koji kodiraju 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilat (ACC) sintazu i ACC oksidazu, ključne enzime u biosintezi etilena, analiziran je kod devetnaest autohtonih genotipova jabuke gajenih u zasadima individualnih proizvođača na području pojedinih teritorijalnih jedinica centralne i jugozapadne Srbije. Polimorfizam ACS1 gena je detektovan primenom lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR metoda), dok je digestija PCR proizvoda sa BamH1 i RsaI restrikcionim enzimima korišćena za detektovanje alela ACO1 gena. U ispitivanom materijalu identifikovana su po dva alela ACS1 (ACS1-1 i ACS1-2) i ACO1 (a i c) gena. Uočeni polimorfizam nakon PCR amplifikacije i restrikcione analize omogućio je identifikovanje po dve alelne konstitucije ACS1 gena - ACS1-1/1 i ACS1-1/2, kao i ACO1 gena - aa i ac. Od devetnaest analiziranih autohtonih genotipova jabuke, šesnaest su homozigoti za alel ACS1-1 (ACS1-1/1), dok su tri genotipa heterozigoti (ACS1-1/2); u pogledu ACO1 alelne konstitucije, četrnaest genotipova su homozigoti za alel a (aa alelna konstitucija) i pet genotipova su heterozigoti (ac alelna konstitucija). Molekularno istraživanje u okviru ovog rada pruža novi kvalitet u oblasti očuvanja i održivog korišćenja genetičkih resursa, rezultirajući povećanjem broja genotipova koji mogu biti interesantni za budući oplemenjivački rad na stvaranju novih sorti jabuke dobrih skladišnih sposobnosti. U tom pogledu, genotipovi heterozigotni za ACS1 gen - ‘J-LuN/1’, ‘Kraljica’ i ‘Šumatovka’, mogu predstavljati važan početni materijal za savremene programe oplemenjivanja, kao i programe uvođenja u proizvodnju autohtonih genotipova jabuke željenih agronomskih osobina.
dc.publisherČačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačaku
dc.sourceActa agriculturae Serbica
dc.subjectMalus × domestica
dc.subjectautohtoni genotipsr
dc.subjectACC sintazasr
dc.subjectACC oksidazasr
dc.subjectautochthonous genotypeen
dc.subjectACC synthaseen
dc.subjectACC oxidaseen
dc.titleCharacterisation of indigenous apple accessions with respect to polymorphism of ACS1 and ACO1 genesen
dc.citation.other26(52): 151-157



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