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Effect of summer pruning on feather shoot traits in apricot

dc.creatorMilošević, Tomo
dc.creatorGlišić, Ivan
dc.creatorMilošević, Nebojša
dc.creatorPaunović, Gorica
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati reakcije sorti kajsije (Aleksandar, Biljana, Vera, Roksana) na prekraćivanje mladara u toku letnje rezidbe u različitim terminima: 15. Jun (T1), 1. Jul (T2) i 15. Jul (T3). Kod pozitivne reakcije na prekraćivanje mladara došlo je do razvoja prevremenih grančica u toku iste vegetacije. Beležen je procenat pozitivne reakcije, broj razvijenih prevremenih grančica, kao i osnovne morfološke osobine razvijenih prevremenih grančica (dužina, broj cvetnih i broj vegetativnih pupoljaka). Rezultati su pokazali da se pozitivna reakcija u najvećoj meri ostvaruje u T1, zadovoljavajuća u T2, a najmanja je bila u T3. Sve sorte su reagovale na prekraćivanje mladara, a najbolje je reagovala Roksana kod koje je u približno 90% slučajeva došlo do razvoja prevremenih grančica. U pogledu morfoloških osobina prevremenih grančica može se konstatovati da se u T1 dobijene previše bujne prevremene grančice, a u T3 prevremene grančice slabe vitalnosti i lošeg odnosa generativnih i vegetativnih pupoljaka. Najbolji rezultat (umerena bujnost i dobar odnos generativnih i vegetativnih pupoljaka) je ostvaren u T2.sr
dc.description.abstractThis study presents results on the response of apricot cultivars (Aleksandar, Biljana, Vera, Roksana) to the cutting back of one-year-old shoots during summer pruning conducted at different dates: 15 June (T1), 1 July (T2) and 15 July (T3). A positive response to one-year-old shoot pruning involved feather shoot development during the same growing season. The following parameters were evaluated: percentage of positive responses, feather shoot number and major morphological traits of feather shoots (length, flower bud number and vegetative bud number). The results obtained suggested the highest positive response in T1, followed by T2 and T3. All cultivars responded to shoot pruning, with Roksana showing the most positive response in terms of feather shoot development in about 90% of cases. As for the morphological traits, T1 induced excessive vigour in feather shoots as opposed to those in T3 which exhibited low vitality and poor relationship between generative and vegetative buds. The best results (moderate vigour and good relationship between generative and vegetative buds) were obtained in T2.en
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectPrunus armeniaca L.sr
dc.subjectprevremene grančicesr
dc.subjectPrunus armeniaca L.en
dc.subjectone-year-old shootsen
dc.subjectfeather shootsen
dc.titleUtucaj letnje rezidbe na osobine prevremenih grančica kajsijesr
dc.titleEffect of summer pruning on feather shoot traits in apricoten
dc.citation.other17(5): 27-36



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