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Promising selections derived from the cross of apple cvs Idared x Čadel

dc.creatorLukić, Milan
dc.creatorNenadović-Mratinić, Evica
dc.creatorMarić, Slađana
dc.creatorMitrović, Milisav
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja bioloških i pomološko-tehnoloških osobina šest perspektivnih selekcija jabuke (J/2/27, J/6/7, J/14/61, J/1/35, J/2/11 i J/1/16), koje su izdvojene iz populacije planskih hibrida nastale ukrštanjem sorti Idared i Čadel u Institutu za voćarstvo - Čačak. Ispitivane su najvažnije fenološke osobine (fenofaza cvetanja i zrenja), rodnost i pomološke osobine (fizičke i hemijske osobine ploda). Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u ovom radu, baziranih na visokom prinosu, organoleptičkim, fizičkim i hemijskim osobinama ploda posebno se ističu selekcije J/1/35, J/6/7 i J/2/11.sr
dc.description.abstractFruit Research Institute has a long tradition of work on breeding new apple cultivars. As the result of the permanent and systematized work, two apple cultivars have been released so far, and a great number of selections are continuously being studied. The paper presents the results of the study of biological and pomological/technological properties of six promising apple selections, i.e. J/2/27, J/6/7, J/14/61, J/1/35, J/2/11 and J/1/16. These selections derived from the population of the planned hybrids developed from the cross of apple cvs Idared x Čadel. Major phenological properties have been studied (phenophase of flowering and ripening), cropping and pomological properties (physical and chemical characteristics of fruits). All studied selections are classified as mid-early flowering. They are characterized by long flowering period and high abundance in the main. Selections J/2/11 and J/1/35 are considered as autumn selections, whereas the others are more widely known as earlywinter apples. The highest yield per tree and area unit was found in J/6/7, as well as selections J/2/11 and J/1/35 exhibited high productivity. Selections J/6/7 and J/1/35 had the largest fruits. Soluble solids content, total dry matter, and total and inverted sugars were highest in selections J/2/27 and J/2/11, and the stated selections were also characterized by the lowest acids content. Selections J/6/7 and J/1/35 have high and balanced sugar and acid content, which adds up greatly to the quality thereof. In general, selections J/1/35, J/6/7 and J/2/11 stand out for their high performance in respect of productivity, organoleptic, physical and chemical properties. Aiming at giving a realistic insight into their biological and pomological/technological characteristics, these selections will be subjected to the study on different localities.en
dc.publisherNaučno voćarsko društvo Srbije, Čačak
dc.subjectpomološke osobinesr
dc.subjectbiološke osobinesr
dc.subjectpomological propertiesen
dc.subjectbiological propertiesen
dc.titlePerspektivne selekcije jabuke nastale ukrštanjem Idared x Čadelsr
dc.titlePromising selections derived from the cross of apple cvs Idared x Čadelen
dc.citation.other42(163-164): 67-73



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