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The study of populations of hazelnut C. avelana L. and Turkish hazelnut C. colurna L. and their selection

dc.creatorMiletić, Rade
dc.creatorMitrović, Milisav
dc.creatorRakićević, Milan
dc.creatorBlagojević, Miladin
dc.creatorKaraklajić-Stajić, Žaklina
dc.description.abstractIzučavane su karakteristike populacija šumske i mečje leske u različitim područjima Srbije u periodu od 1998 do 2005. godine. Istovremeno su izdvojene selekcije sa okruglastim plodovima pogodnim za konditorsku industriju. Populacije šumske i mečje leske karakterišu plodovi sitne ili srednje krupnoće sa indeksom okruglosti plodova od 0,77 i 0,89 i jezgre od 0,78, odnosno 0,84. Odabrane selekcije šumske i mečje leske, su u proseku sa srednje krupnim plodovima jezgrom Indeks okruglosti za plodove i jezgru šumske leske je 0,98 (1,01-0,91) i 0,99 (1,00-0,96), a za mečju lesku 0,99 (0,99-0,97), odnosno i 0,98 (0,98-0,97). Prosečna masa plodova odabranih selekcija šumske leske je 1,79 g, a mečje 1,74 g, jezgre 0,75 g i 0,70 g te je sadržaj jezgre 41,0%, odnosno 40,2%. U jezgri odabranih selekcija, sadržaj mineralnih materija je u proseku 2,4% za šumsku i 2,3% za mečju lesku. Sadržaj sirovih proteina je 13,8% i 12,4%, a sadržaj ulja 47,7%, odnosno 50,2%. Prema većini pokazatelja u in situ uslovima sve navedene selekcije zaslužuju pažnju da se kolekcionisanjem i razmnožavanjem šire u komercijalnu proizvodnju. To se posebno odnosi na okruglast oblik jezgre koji je i najpogodniji u industriji čokolade. .sr
dc.description.abstractProperties of populations of hazelnut C. avelana L. and Turkish hazelnut C. colurna L. in different regions of Serbia were studied over 1998 - 2005. Round-fruit selections suitable for candy industry were concurrently singled out. Populations of hazelnut and Turkish hazelnut are characterized by small or medium large fruits with round shape index and kernel index ranging from 0.77 - 0.89 and 0.78 - 0.84 respectively. Singled out selections of hazelnut and Turkish hazelnut have averagely medium large fruits and kernel. Round shape index of fruits and kernel of hazelnut amount to 0.98 (1.01 - 0.91) and 0.99 (1.00 - 0.96) respectively, whereas the same parameter in Turkish hazelnut amounts to 0.99 (0.99 - 0.97) and 0.98 (0.98 - 0.97). Average fruit weight of the singled out selections is 1.79 g (hazelnut) and 1.74 g (Turkish hazelnut). Average kernel mass is 0.75 - 0.70 g. i.e. kernel ratio in hazelnut and Turkish hazelnut amounts to 41% and 40.2% respectively. The mineral matter content in the kernel of the selections amounted to 2.4% and 2.3% respectively. Raw proteins content ranged from 13.8% - 12.4% respectively, and oil content ranged from 47.7 - 50.2% respectively. The majority of indicators under in situ conditions suggest that all selections singled out from the population deserve attention with objective of more intensified propagation and wider introduction into commercial production. It particularly refers to the round shaped kernel which is the most suitable for the candy industry. .en
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectTurkish hazelnuten
dc.subjectround shape indexen
dc.titleProučavanje populacija i klonska selekcija šumske i mečje leskesr
dc.titleThe study of populations of hazelnut C. avelana L. and Turkish hazelnut C. colurna L. and their selectionen
dc.citation.other39(1): 13-22



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