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Low-vigorous sweet and sour cherry rootstock Damil GM 61/1: Possibility for rapid propagation and introduction into production

dc.creatorRužić, Đurđina
dc.creatorVujović, Tatjana
dc.creatorCerović, Radosav
dc.creatorRadičević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractDamil GM 61/1 je slabo bujna vegetativna podloga za trešnju i višnju koja vodi poreklo od ukrasne trešnje Prunus dawyckensis Sealy. Sorte okalemljene na ovoj podlozi su manje bujnosti, otvorenije krune i znatno produktivnije, poboljšane mase i obojenosti plodova. U cilju razvijanja efikasnog protokola za in vitro razmnožavanje ove veoma aktuelne slabo bujne podloge ispitivan je uticaj vrste i koncentracije biljnih regulatora rastenja na fazu multiplikacije i ožiljavanja pri konstantnom sastavu makro, mikroelemenata i vitamina, prema Murashige i Skoog-u (1962) (MS). Najveći indeks multiplikacije (1,96) je dobijen na MS medijumu sa u mg l-1: BAP 0,5, IBA 0,1 i GA3 0,1, a najveći procenat ožiljavanja (50%) je postignut na "hormon free" medijumu (HF) uz pretretman (5 minuta tretiranja) bazalnog dela izadanaka sa rastvorom NAA u koncentraciji 100 mg
dc.description.abstractDamil GM 61/1 is a low vigorous vegetative sweet and sour cherry rootstock that originates from the decorative sweet cherry Prunus dawyckensis Sealy. Cultivars grafted on this rootstock have low vigor, the crown is more open and markedly more productive, the fruit mass is more pronounced, and fruits are more intensively colored. Aiming at developing efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of this very popular low vigorous rootstock, the influence of type and concentration of plant growth regulators on multiplication and rooting phases at constant microelements, macroelements and vitamins concentration, according to Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) was studied. The highest multiplication index (1.96) was found on MS medium with in mg l-1: BAP 0.5, IBA 0.1 and GA3 0.1, while the highest rooting rate (50%) was obtained on the ‘hormone free’ medium (HF), which included a pretreatment (5-minute treatment) of the basal part of the shoots with the NAA at concentration 100 mg l-1.en
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectpodloga za trešnju i višnjusr
dc.subjectin vitrosr
dc.subjecthormonski sastav medijumasr
dc.subjectsweet and sour cherry rootstocken
dc.subjectmicro propagationen
dc.subjectin vitroen
dc.subjecthormonal composition of the mediumen
dc.titleSlabo bujna podloga za trešnju i višnju Damil GM 61/1 - mogućnost brzog razmnožavanja i uvođenja u proizvodnjusr
dc.titleLow-vigorous sweet and sour cherry rootstock Damil GM 61/1: Possibility for rapid propagation and introduction into productionen
dc.citation.other13(5): 47-55

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